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Wisconsin Library Memorabilia Exhibit
In the last part of the 19th century and in the first two decades of the 20th century an explosion of library construction took place in communities throughout Wisconsin. This construction boom was fostered to a large extent by Andrew Carnegie and other philanthropists. The new library buildings were a source of civic pride and as such were represented on a variety of souvenir items including china, spoons, paperweights, and picture postcards. I have accumulated a collection of these items which I occasionally exhibit along with some other items related to Wisconsin libraries. My intent is to make the exhibit available to Wisconsin libraries as part of the Wisconsin Library Heritage Center.
The exhibit is currently (July-August, 2008) on display at the Ripon Public Library. The exhibit will be on display at the Pewaukee Public Library in September, 2008.
exhibit was on display at the
Lake Geneva
Public Library in April, 2008.
Pictures of the exhibit of Wisconsin Library Memorabilia which was on display at the Menomonee Falls Public Library in November-December 2006 can be found here.
This is a picture of an exhibit of my library souvenir china at the Baraboo (WI) Public Library on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of its Carnegie library building in 2003.
More on library exhibits can be found here.